Digital Serfdom
It was all a lie. At the dawn of the information age, we were promised more leisurely work, more free time, and the opportunity.
It was all a lie. At the dawn of the information age, we were promised more leisurely work, more free time, and the opportunity.
How can we know what is real? How can we parse wild-eyed theories from deception and then segregate both of those into a far.
A lot of people that consider themselves experts in geopolitical and military affairs, regardless of their qualifications, seem very eager to send American soldiers.
I understand, I have figured out, sufficiently enough for my mind at least, how to describe the state of ideas and dialogue in our.
It seems that we ought to be able to agree on matters of preference and opinion that do not relate to absolute truth. I.
The fundamental question of our era centers on the nature of our culture going into the future relative to our past. Stated plainly how.
How often do we find right and left, big and small, agreeing on a matter? Politicians, think tanks, foundations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the intelligence.
If you look and listen closely, review some history, and critically think, you will notice that everything surrounding Russia and Ukraine is part of.
Consider the following positions: Mark my words, the future for Christians will be: Homeschooling, Home churching, Homesteading and This wasn’t even true.
For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow. Ecclesiastes 1:18 Increasing true wisdom heightens one’s sensitivity to the.