Useful Items You Probably Haven’t Thought About
I suspect a lot of the ‘prepper’ guys are unhappy right now, after all this is not how things were supposed to play out..
I suspect a lot of the ‘prepper’ guys are unhappy right now, after all this is not how things were supposed to play out..
I feel convicted to apologize. I will do it here generally and personally to some folks as I see you. I have become increasingly.
Watching the world each day, I am struck by the absolute lack of any critical analysis or thinking among large swaths of all segments.
Zac Brown has a way with lyrics and I suppose they are successful because so many identify with their words. It often seemed in.
As we approach Father’s Day in 2020, I, upon reflection, have come to a disturbing conclusion. I am happy that my earthly father has.
Antonio Gramsci conceived of the need for long-march through Western institutions in order to facilitate Marxist revolutions. The church was one such institution that.
I mentioned in a recent piece that over the last few weeks I have gleaned much of my information not from the major news.
Soon, there will be brief periods where the calamitous din of chaos recedes. Foolish and feckless men will pound their chest and say, ‘we.
We are in the midst of a cultural revolution that is being leveraged into a color revolution. The culture of traditional America is being.
Those of us that fought the culture war for the last two decades never truly believed that the entire structure of our societal system.