Consolidation Phase Danger
We sense the import of the events of the last nineteen months, we know something has changed, that much hangs in the balance. There.
We sense the import of the events of the last nineteen months, we know something has changed, that much hangs in the balance. There.
Something about the Revolver News story implicating FBI involvement in the events of 1/6 in DC has troubled me deeply. Deeper than my realization.
If many are correct and America has undergone a color revolution, it is fair to ask why now, why in 2020/21. First a.
The tweet above is the sort of Johhny-come-lately, sensationalized, dribble that has occupied the lives of so many good Americans for the last several.
Five organizations played a key role in what just occurred, in all the events that led to January 6th, 2021, and what will come.
It was, perhaps, a forgone conclusion that China would rise to the status of peer-competitor with the US. It was not a foregone conclusion.
Make no mistake, this is a color revolution (explanation of the term here) many pundits and social media ‘experts’ throw that term about now,.
Herein is a collection of videos and resources that assist in explaining how we arrived in 2020 at the point that we were susceptible.
In mid-late February, many watched foreign news services concerning the status of China and the Coronavirus outbreak in China and wondered if this was.
I assess that violence, perhaps even an incipient insurgency is possible after the election in the US. If a reactionary movement congeals an outright.