Color Revolution Predictions
We are in the midst of a cultural revolution that is being leveraged into a color revolution. The culture of traditional America is being.
We are in the midst of a cultural revolution that is being leveraged into a color revolution. The culture of traditional America is being.
Those of us that fought the culture war for the last two decades never truly believed that the entire structure of our societal system.
I have written about the megachurch movement often. I have family members that attend one, therefore I tried to mute my words to some.
Disclaimer and Statement of Principles I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can.
Rod Dreher posted a piece reviewing The Age of Entitlement, by Christopher Caldwell. He recommends the book and the dark, foreboding passages he quotes.
In the narrative of an ongoing and progressively elaborating cultural war, the 2nd Amendment is perhaps one of the last remain bastions of conservatives.
I just returned from Washington, DC. This is the first time I have visited the city as a tourist. There is still much to.
Being for liberalism or democracy (the two are distinctly different things!!) is not the default Christian position. Many Protestants, and American Protestants in particular,.