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I take a gander at site stats occasionally, not often as there is no real need. However, each time I do the same two.
I take a gander at site stats occasionally, not often as there is no real need. However, each time I do the same two.
The Bible and Literary Society of North Augusta – in the intellectual and fraternal tradition of Lewis and Tolkien and their fellowship. Iron sharpens iron.
How in the world are politics, religion and Advanced Squad Leader(ASL) connected you might ask – perhaps right after you ask what the heck.
I have noticed some friends throwing about the idea that perhaps one or more of the Democratic candidates would be tolerable, even acceptable perhaps..
Disclaimer and Statement of Principles I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can.
John Calvin Traditions are important, God gave us the family, traditions passed from father to son is a critical part of social continuity.
Herein, is a love letter to The American Conservative (TAC). We are of the same cloth; I walked a similar path of ideas as.
Much of modern political theory is a result of or a reaction to the theories of Locke and Hobbes and their individual views of.
Apparently, Twitter just banned Zero Hedge for proposing a Coronavirus theory similar to what Josh Clark talks about in episode # six of his.
I have written at length about the megachurch movement and why I am convinced it is so dangerous to authentic, organized Christianity. I have.