I am not positive that the book above (written by me) is worth your time. I am not grifting or trying to sell you something. I offer it for your consideration (the idea of it, not so much the book itself). I am wrong about many things, there is much I do not know. I got 2020 right and I suspect I am right about what is coming. This manifested faster than I perhaps thought, but not entirely so. My first and clearest articulation of this was in July of 2018 (America’s Great Cultural and Political Divide).
I am not suggesting you buy my book, I am suggesting that churches need to think about the issues covered there and think about how little communities stick together in what is to come. Old ways will no longer work. THIS IS NOT JUST A MOMENT.
We are not simply guaranteed to continue as we were, tax exemption for authentic Christian churches is not a given anymore. The culture war was lost rather quickly, things exploded after that. 'Christian' churches just down the street went along with all of this - they will be fine; for a while. If your church does not kowtow, you are much less safe. Elections matter, maybe this is all pushed off for a few years, but things have changed, drastically. Don't underestimate the hatred for authentic Christianity in the air.
Retrenchment dealt with how authentic Christianity and traditional communities survive in the aftermath of the revolution against the old 'hegemony' going on right now. The cultural war was a mere precursor, just preliminary skirmishes. Traditionalism lost at every stage of those battles, but those losses will pale in comparison to what is coming. The fact is, no matter the result of the 2020 election and all related to that, the ideology that propels the angst in the street, supported by millions of Americans, will not go away. The desire for change, the sense of emergency, the desperation will only increase - no matter who wins in 2020.
It is fairly clear at this point, that the cultural war against the hegemony is being leveraged by interests that seek to fundamentally change the balance of power in a permanent way are attempting a color revolution. Color revolution attempts have a poor history of sticking, they sometimes succeed in seizing power, but seldom stick. A month ago I thought the color revolution against the US had a significant chance of initial success, I would venture to say that chance is only moderate now. The threat is still very real. When color revolutions fail, often chaos of another sort follows.
Some speak of civil war, calling into the mind the idea of neighbor fighting neighbor. That is possible but unlikely. Violence is almost a certainty in our future, but it will be sporadic, greater in some locations, and almost absent in others. Anarcho-tyranny, the sort where mass violence is ignored and ordinary individuals are punished for small infractions is more likely. Poverty, shortage, and uncertainty are highly likely.
The only thing I would change in that book is my treatment of the 'community' element of the mega-church. I stated there that I had not directly observed heretical behavior in the megachurch, I had suspicions, but that I had observed how effective they were at the community building. In 2020, my suspicions about the megachurch were confirmed, it is just what Peter Drucker envisioned. I would delete or edit those few pages to reflect reality. (see my position of the megachurch's role in all this)

I was originally inspired to write Retrenchment in part by Rod Dreher's book The Benedict Option. I, like many others, saw some good arguments there, and some glaring weaknesses. Dreher is an odd bird, a man that claims to stand on principles and to see the utter collapse and danger around us. Yet, for the last four years he, and the magazine he writes for, has been incapable of seeing that Trump was a useful and necessary plug in the dam. Dreher threw rocks, cried (almost literally at times) that "Trump was not nice", Dreher acted basically as a prissy-con, not a man operating from real principles (in my observation). He is now shilling a new book to tell us all how to really weather the coming storm, a storm he was not willing to stand a post and fight against in a meaningful way. I would not recommend Live Not By Lies, Dreher lost his credibility. He has proven incapable of dialoguing with those that would correct him, he lives in a sheltered bubble, not the sort to listen to in the times that are coming.
I can, whole-heartedly, recommend The Fourth Turning. Much of one of my first books, The Philosophy of Commonsense, was inspired by the implications suggested by Strauss and Howe. Their generational theory is not perfect, but it is proving more accurate than simply applying histography, sociology, or economics to trend analysis. If the cycles they describe are real, and things have historically aligned, much of what we see going on today makes sense.
Other, random things you ought to purchase and read:
A provocative title that probably puts a lot of people off with visions of zombie hordes and bunkers. This book is simply written, well-organized, and useful. It contains not just zombie-level information, but stuff that is applicable to what is coming (shortages of stuff, increased crime, and greater uncertainty).
Everybody ought to know more about critical medical skills, for many reasons. Don't be put off by the word 'prepper' in the title, all rational people should be prepared for all manner of things. I have said before, and often, everybody needs to know things like how to put on a tourniquet and to treat a sucking chest wound. This book will teach you that and more.
BTW, buy stuff to treat wounds that will kill you and those you love quickly, learn to use it, and keep it on hand.
- Recon Medical BLK-1PAK-FBA Tourniquet - (Black) Gen 3 Mil-Spec Kevlar Metal Windlass Aluminum First Aid Tactical Swat Medic Pre-Hospital Life Saving Hemorrhage Control Registration Card 1 Pack
- AMK QuikClot Gauze 3 inch x 2 Foot
- North American Rescue Hyfin Vent Chest Seal, 2 Count
- Lightning X Premium Rip-Away Individual First Aid Kit for Vehicle Head Rest - TAN
I did a video last April and suggested that 2020 was a good time to practice gardening skills. I think I was right. It is not too late to learn, the book to the left will help. It is a good time to buy up some non-hybrid seeds also.