The SBC, That Old Fence on the Edge of the Farm
I have watched with painful amazement and sadness the events occurring at the Southern Baptist Convention. Debating whether an issue is ‘major or minor’.
I have watched with painful amazement and sadness the events occurring at the Southern Baptist Convention. Debating whether an issue is ‘major or minor’.
“Tomorrow [this was January 5, 2022] is the beginning of a new line of effort in the consolidation phase. Things will pick up a.
I fear that Truth, the word itself, might become nothing more than a catchphrase in the ‘culture war’. That phrase itself is an absurd.
I come to it, at last, I come to the point of knowing only two things. It is fascinating how simplistically complex it all.
I invite you to watch the following “commercial” all the way through, watch it two or three times and then come back to see.
Something has gnawed at me for the last several weeks, thoughts related to the nature and future of the West; of the status of.
I pen this on 24 May 2022, not as a form of “I told you so” and perhaps not even as a ‘scolding’ but.
Occasionally the question floats across the ether of my desk in one form or another, “where did Q go?” That question perplexes many people.
I spent an hour tonight perusing Twitter, something I have not done in a good while. I was left with the impression, and I.