Pay Attention But be Calm
I am a realist and as such, there is very little that makes sense to me at present in the world. I am wary.
I am a realist and as such, there is very little that makes sense to me at present in the world. I am wary.
We can diagnose the world in one simple phrase. It is a thinking problem, that sounds simple enough, people are not thinking right. The.
Occasionally one notices the cry being raised on social media “why am I seeing so many black-pilled comments”. I have never encountered such a.
In 1903 the New York Times published an article claiming it would take between one million to ten million years for man to achieve.
Have you ever wondered about the status of your own intelligence? Have you ever wondered just where you stand on the bell curve? Sure.
In the last month, it almost seems as if the kid in charge of the ant farm changed the channel on the television he.
It is not difficult to think of examples of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. It seems such a foolish error that we.
I am just spitballing here and not attempting to make broad pronouncements of certitude. I have not changed my mind on important issues nor.
The truth of it all becomes clearer by the day, and yet ironically and disturbingly, those that can fully grasp it diminish as creation.
An accurate hypothesis must be capable of predicting the future. That is to say that one must be able to see the principles of.