We are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge
We sense that people in the world are unsettled and things have changed. The veil was lifted a couple of years ago and people.
We sense that people in the world are unsettled and things have changed. The veil was lifted a couple of years ago and people.
It is not something you will hear often but the last three years have been, for me, a blessing. I would place the beginning.
We cannot help but notice that, well noticing is increasing. Call it what you will, red pilling, waking up, seeing truth it is inarguable.
I wrote the other day examining what the Scots and Presbyterians learned of civil government, both as the oppressed and the power of corporate.
Since 2020 there has been a lot of talk within Christianity, and without, about the meaning of Romans 13 specifically and then later more.
Sometimes we overcomplicate what is apparently (apparent to us at least) a complex problem. I have written before about a topic I spent some.
How can we truly know anything of the present or even begin to make predictions of the future if we do not understand history?.
Today, conservative punditry, both professional and amateur, stands ready to offer words of encouragement and explanations. “Being down is ok, but it is time.
Predictions are easy, if you make easy ones. Here is one such easy prediction. The midterms in 2022 will be “stolen”, and it does.
I write often of what we might call two prevailing world views. The first, what we might call traditional was, in the West, based.